Prompt, Effective, Affordable & Same Day Pest Control In Perth. Starting from $129.
Emergency Possum Removal Service Perth
Welcome to Tom’s Pest Control – the trusted partner for comprehensive possum pest control for households and businesses in Perth.
We are a team of qualified and highly-experienced possum researchers and possum catchers in Perth to analyse the characteristics of the pest animal and ensure safe, stress-free removal of it.
Book Your Emergency Possum Removal Control Services Here
Why Is It Necessary To Remove Possums?
How To Confirm Possum Infestation At Your Property?
You can confirm the presence of the pest with the following signs:

Do you want emergency possum removal in Perth because a possum is making extensive damage to your property? Contact us immediately; our possum removal technicians are happy to provide same day possum removal in Perth.
The Possum Removal Process
We have a four-stage possum removal process to make your property free of the pest.
Pest Control Inspection
We will also identify and confirm the factors at your property that encouraged the pest to live in your environment.
Possum Removal Plan
Before beginning the process, we will update you on the best possum removal treatment plan for a transparent service experience.
The Possum Removal Perth
Additionally, we will secure all the main access points to your property by closely monitoring the path of the possum. Based on the infestation issues, we may also suggest some repair and architectural alterations to make your Perth property free of future possum infestation.
Ongoing Possum Control Prevention
You can make your Perth property less secure for possums with the following steps and strategies:
- Store the food products, especially pet foods, from possums.
- Make your property clutter-free with the regular removal of debris and waste. This minimises the hiding places for the pest at your property.
- Trim the shrubs and trees that are located close to the structure to prevent the pest access to your property and roof.
- Make regular inspection in and around the property to identify any damage that can give the pest access to your property.
Why Tom’s Pest Control ?
Our customers find us as the best pest removal service in Perth with the following characteristics:

Is it possible to bring the possum along?
Possums can cause injury to you and your family, transmit diseases, damage your home, or destroy anything in your basement. Because these animals can be challenging to control, regulations were established to protect them. It is against the law to kill or harm them.
Professional possum removal companies are the best choice. Tom’s Pest Control Perth will help you get rid of possums from your yard quickly and efficiently. We can also install humane traps to capture possums in your yard.
Our team can capture them and transport them to another place once they have been captured. For more information, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team. They are happy to help you with any possum removal problems.
What is the difference between a Rat and a Possum, and what are their differences?
Both possums and rats have long, hairless tails. Although rats can be both diurnal and nocturnal, possums tend to be nocturnal. Possums can be herbivores, omnivores, or opportunistic. Invariably, rats are omnivorous.
Although rat species are found worldwide, possums can only be found in Oceania. The claws of rats are blunter than those of possums. Rats have eyes that are oriented bilaterally, while possums have ones that face forward. Rats have slimmer faces than possums, which are rounder and flatter.
Rats are adaptable and can live in almost any environment, provided they have shelter from the elements. Semi-arboreal possums are drawn to trees because they love them. However, this is not always the case. They can often be found near wooded areas.
What can I do to protect my plants from possums?
These large, hairy animals have seen a dramatic increase in their numbers over the last ten years as they discover that living in a residential environment suits them well. They can reach plants up to three stories high thanks to their agility and dexterity.
There are several traditional ways to keep possums out of your garden. Hanging CDs, blood, and bone, hanging spotlights and drinking lapsang souchong are just a few options to protect your plants. Unfortunately, none of these options has any reliable or noticeable results.
Two main methods can be used to keep possums away from plants: First, you can build physical barriers. The second is to use deterrent sprays. Local regulations govern the trapping and relocation of possums. You can either hire us or ask for help.
Are your ceiling and roof susceptible to possum damage?
Yes. Roof wires can be chewed through by rats and possums. The insulation has to be replaced if they construct nests on your roof. The repeated urinating might harm it. The pee has the potential to harm the ceiling by seeping through.
There are many ways to remove a possum from your roof if it is already there. To deter them, possums can be dispersed using odour- and taste repellents. Some suggest using ingredients you already have in your home, like Tabasco sauce. But results may vary.
Hiring possum professionals to handle the job is a smart idea. To remove the possums, call an expert. You might also be interested in learning more about how to keep neighbouring possums out of your home.
What should I do if a possum climbs on my roof at night to annoy me?
Night-active Possums are active at night. You may hear them moving around on your roof at night. Possums may be heard coughing or hissing.
With all permissions, you must remove pests from your roof gently. You can also obtain these documents from your pest controller. There are many ways to keep possums off your roof.
Although they can look innocent, possums could harm your roof or cause discomfort. Let’s suppose that they are already on your property. Tom’s Pest Control Perth should be contacted if they are found on your property.
Are possums more likely to attack children than adults? Why?
Possums are not known to be aggressive. However, pet owners have reported that their pets are aggressive towards possums despite being gentle and docile. Possums, like all wild animals, will try to avoid being cornered.
Children are more likely than adults to play with or escape possums than to employ a proactive defence strategy. Therefore, teaching children to avoid possums and other wild animals is important.
Our staff is highly trained to capture and exterminate unwanted pests from your property. We may also offer ongoing pest management to help reduce the chance of pest problems returning.
Why do the possum's nest in the walls cavities?
Possums prefer to sleep in wall cavities during daylight hours because they are warmer and darker than roof cavities. It is possible to hear rats crawling between the floors and wall cavities. A study found that 87% of nest visits by possums occurred in older buildings and 45% in roof cavities.
These mysterious creatures race across the ceiling, making human friends aware as they go. For example, Perth research revealed that 67% of those whom possums bit in Perth reported hearing them near their roof cavities. In addition, 58% reported also seeing possums near these areas.
Important to remember that pest control must include the sealing of entry points. Possums love living in roof cavities, which can be seen crawling under your house.
What is the timeframe for controlling possums?
How severe the infestation is will affect how long it takes to control possums. Possum infestations can cause more serious problems than you may think. Here are some ways possums can cause financial problems or damage your health.
Possum droppings could contain germs that can cause flesh-eating sores. So, let’s say they can enter your home. They will eat all you provide, damage insulation and ducting, leave unpleasant odours, and leave stains.
Our strategy starts with an in-depth assessment to eliminate possums. Then, we create a plan to identify all entry points. This will enable us to determine the best course of action. For more information, contact our experts.
How much does possum removal cost?
Your property’s condition will affect the cost of your possum control. You should consider the size and location of the infestation, as well as the extent of damage they caused. Also, how much labour is required to get rid of them?
Prices for possum removal vary from $150 to $500. These companies charge $150 for the removal of dead Possums. To capture the possum, you can also purchase live traps. To set up and manage bait traps, you must be very knowledgeable. If they feel threatened, possums will bite.
Even though they may pass through, it’s worth checking your chimney and home for signs of intruders. If you spot any signs of possums, call Tom’s Pest Control Perth.
Are the Possums being treated cruelly?
The 1975 Wildlife Act declares possums protected. Although it is illegal to move problematic possums, there are other ways to control them. Many Victorians have had to deal with possums living on their property. The woods created by the trees and gardens in our neighbourhoods are reminiscent of their natural habitat.
Possums can live with people, even if they are annoying and eat your flowers. Possums cannot interfere with or harass people. Common brushtail possums that are housed in structures or parks can be managed.
Common brushtail possums can be captured and released or taken to a licensed veterinarian to be put down.